The ride to work is such a nice way to start your day.
A "step-through" frame makes it simpler to get on and off the bike, particularly in business attire. These frames are traditional for delivery and messenger bikes, and they're just as nice on a commuter bike.
As Mr. Delk pointed out after Bike Movie Day 2010, this is just a "master plan" -- if you want more bicycle friendly infrastructure, make your voice heard
About us
We live in Columbia, South Carolina. We ride our bikes to work, to the grocery store, to go shopping, to share a meal or a drink with friends. You don't need special cloths or funny shoes to join us -- just a bike. Wear whatever you want to be wearing when you get where you're going. If it's cold or drizzling, put on a sweater and a coat. Relax, ride easy, listen to the birds.